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Many people are a bit worried about hypnosis if they haven't experienced it before. That's usually because they confuse Hypnotherapy with Stage Hypnotists. Hypnosis has a long history of being used for medical and psychological treatments and to treat illness. Hypnotherapy is a very safe and effective form of treatment for many different issues from anxiety and depression to phobias and childhood trauma and has a proven success record for millions of people.
Hypnotherapy for fertility is also very effective. A study carried out in 2004 showed that the group who were supported with hypnotherapy through the IVF cycle had a massive increase of 50% success rate.
Hypnotherapy is a very safe modality. You are always in control of the situation and you are never "unconscious". Hypnosis can safely treat the physical and mental aspects of common problems, like trauma, addictions, fears and phobias very safely and can help you break your physical and emotional dependence on many things such as overeating, smoking, drinking, drama, anger etc. It is also very good in treating physical symptoms such as pain.
Hypnotherapy for fertility also has the added benefit of calming down the autonomic nervous at a subconscious level so that your system becomes more balanced and in a more able state to optimise your chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy.
Often there is more than one issue which may be holding a pattern in place. It's a bit like an emotional glue but just like a ball of tight elastic bands you soon find that once you start to take off a couple of those bands the whole ball then starts to loosens up.
So, even though you will need to address each issue one at a time and you may notice a theme developing over time, there is very soon a positive effect which ripples out to many other areas.
Hypnotherapy for fertility is powerful and very effective with dealing with many different issues, no matter how deep seated they may appear to you.
Some issues such as a Phobia or one off event trauma may be able to be dealt with in just one session. However other issues such as long term anxiety, depression, childhood trauma or multilayered problems may take several sessions depending on the complexity of the issues involved and the individual person.
Some issues, such as OCD, are often multilayered and hypnotherapy is often able to help with the worst of the symptoms. This may then be supported with other, longer term, therapy such as CBT. For issues which require several sessions these may begin as weekly hypnotherapy sessions and then extend to longer periods of time in between as you learn the tools you need and become more equipped to support yourself.
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. You could say it's a bit like Acupuncture without the needles. Acupuncture is used primarily for physical problems. EFT is very effective for both physical problems and for releasing and resolving emotional issues. Matrix Reimprinting is used with EFT for many issues and is great for clearing trauma and for deep and meaningful change work at a subconscious level.
EFT is a very safe modality and, with an experienced Practitioner, can bring rapid change to how you feel about an issue.
Matrix Reimprinting is a dissociative technique which means you don't have to directly access difficult memories and can heal all sorts of issues and traumas very safely.
Matrix Reimprinting is a technique that connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs and allows them to transform them into a more positive subconscious beliefs.
Our beliefs shape our thoughts, provide fuel for our emotional reactions and shape our reality.
If we can change our beliefs, well, we can change anything!
For Matrix Reimprinting you will need to work with a qualified therapist to access this modality.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can be used for the relief of physical pain and also to resolve emotional issues.
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can be used to access subconscious patterns and achieve cognitive belief shifts which often are not in your awareness but make a huge difference in how you feel and has a positive ripple effect to how you think and behave.
EFT can certainly be used as a self help tool to help calm down your emotions and is something I teach my clients to use as a self help tool.
To obtain cognitive shifts of core issues, working with me will bring much deeper results. You benefit from working with another person who has a more detached and logical overview and is able to identify unhelpful patterns and behaviours, which are challenging to see yourself. I also utilise other psychological tools, such as solution focused psychotherapy, to bring about deep and long lasting change.
You don't have to believe in it for it to work. Some people have a healthy dose of scepticism, which in my opinion is not a bad thing, until they personally experience the power of change EFT and Matrix Reimprinting brings.
When you have powerfully transformed a subconscious negative belief and collapsed it, replacing it with something more positive and helpful to your life today, it has a domino effect and you just feel differently about people and past situations in the present time.
Yes EFT is an evidence based therapy! It may seem strange that tapping on meridian points on the body together with psychology can have such a major benefit. There are scientific foundations behind EFT and as Larry Burk, MD - Radiologist states "Tapping - it's like a built-in biofeedback machine."
There has recently been a ten year study of EFT and the results have been concluded in "The Science of Tapping" DVD which, funnily enough, explains the science behind tapping.
"When you try Tapping you realise it works - and now you have the science to discover why it's true."
David Feinstein Ph D Clinical Psychologist.
It might seem weird but it's powerful and it works!
The results are long lasting as once you've shifted the energy, well, you've shifted the energy.
There may, of course, be several aspects to an event which may need to be resolved. Think of it as being a little like an onion, it may have different layers to peel back.
However, each change you make has a positive ripple effect forward to the present time and this means that how you feel about an issue can very quickly change indeed.
Why not book a Free Consult Call or email me at
EFT & Matrix Reimprinting are neither placebo or distraction techniques.
Our bodies, as is everything in the Universe, is made up of energy. With EFT we can trace the energy of something we feel today, back to when we felt that same energetic pattern in the past, clear it and introduce something more helpful which not only heals the past but changes how we feel now and in the future.
Matrix Reimprinting is a gentle technique where we can visit an old memory, identify an old belief or trauma, whilst being dissociated from the feeling of that event, and explore what negative belief we formed at that time.
We can then receive understanding and change the energy of that old belief to something more positive which supports us here in the present and going forwards in life.
Many people sense a huge relief of releasing and letting go something which they hadn't realised was an energetic burden they were carrying.