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Fertility Mindset Coaching is a process to help support your mind and body bringing it into a state of balance so that you can maximise your chances of successfully conceiving. It can support you whether you're trying to become pregnant naturally or with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and also help you to enjoy a healthy and stress free pregnancy.
I offer help and support from conception to birth and beyond with:
Obviously offering fertility mindset coaching doesn't mean I can promise you'll conceive. You could do everything "right" and it still doesn't happen and this is, unfortunately, one of the mysteries of life itself. So what CAN I promise you? I promise you'll be in a much better place mentally, emotionally and physically in your mind and body, with tools to help you to deal with the stress and mental pressures of trying to conceive and this, in turn, will optimise your chances of success. These are tools and techniques which you can also use in your life going forward too.
You may wonder how your emotions and mindset affect your fertility and your ability to conceive. Well the effect that these have on your fertility, as well as many other areas of your life, is extensive and something which is often not considered.
Our subconscious beliefs are hugely powerful and drive at least ninety five percent of our behaviour. For example, imagine you've developed a core belief in childhood of being "not good enough" this can play out in many limiting beliefs in your life today without you being consciously aware of it. It may show up in ways that you wouldn't think to connect: maybe you don't apply for a promotion at work or you don't believe you can achieve your dreams or perhaps you find you support other people but don't believe that it will ever happen for you. This can also translate to the idea of becoming a parent. If you don't feel good enough you may have that tiny little niggle in the very back of your mind, that is almost a just a whisper of a thought, that's saying "but can you really be a parent? How will you cope with the responsibility or why do you think you can do that? that happens for other people, not for you." These almost unnoticed thought patterns and belief systems may hold you back from conceiving; the subconscious mind is always trying it's best to keep you "safe" and if it perceives it's "unsafe" for you to fall pregnant will make it difficult for you to do so.
I help you to identify those unhelpful and self limiting beliefs, clear them and replace them with positive ones at a subconscious level so that you can move forward into a more fertile conception focussed mindset to maximise your chances of success.
Those subconscious beliefs are a bit like having a video tape playing a film in the background of your mind. Sometimes we think that we can change things on a purely conscious level by using willpower alone. However, once you're aware of the tape you can talk to it, sing to it, scream at it, cajole it and none of it will make any difference unless you record over it with something else.
Once your belief has been changed for something more positive and helpful to you, you'll find that you feel differently about an issue and then your behaviour automatically adjusts to that of the new belief without any conscious effort on your part. The tape has been recorded over with something that's now supporting you.
This is one example of how both your mind and body can work together to create harmony and the best possible conditions for inviting your baby in.
TTC can become a very stressful experience and people telling you to just relax and it'll happen can be infuriating. If it was that easy you would wouldn't you? It is possible though to achieve a deep state of relaxation with hypnosis and EFT. This is very beneficial to you as Hypnosis has been shown to improve your chances of conception by up to 50%. I mean that is amazing isn't it?
Stress and anxiety have a negative effect on your fertility. It shuts down the reproductive cycle as it's just not needed when you are in survival mode. Who needs to reproduce when you've got a tiger chasing you? Calming down the system at the deepest level is of great benefit to your conception mindset, a healthy pregnancy and the birth process.
Hypnosis, psychotherapy and EFT/Matrix Reimprinting supporting medical procedures such as IVF benefits you greatly. Therapy just before egg implantation, for example, means that you are more likely to be in a receptive state for the egg or eggs to implant in the womb lining for successful conception.
The fertility journey is an extremely stressful one and often bring up relationship issues from being in conflict about how to move forward to the next step. Insecurities can easily arise around sexual performance or subconscious fears of becoming a parent. All of these and more can impact your personal relationship and thwart the closeness needed for conception and support through pregnancy. Of course, it's not only the relationship with your partner but also those of your close and extended families, your friends and colleagues.
Had one child or more and can't seem to fall pregnant again? There are many reasons why you may want another child but perhaps you feel reluctant expressing your desire to grow your family or the problems you're having conceiving and making that pregnancy a reality for a second or third time. After all you have at least one child don't you? Maybe you're feeling judged by others and feeling you should be grateful for what you've got, that you shouldn't be asking for more. You could accept the status quo and hope for the best or you could explore what is holding you back.
Have you suffered from pregnancy loss or stillbirth and need help to overcome how you feel to enable you to move forward again in your fertility journey.
Dealing with grief and loss is a process which must be honoured and in the west we have lost many of the ceremonies which help us to support this process. Maybe you're finding that fear is holding you back from trying again or perhaps you need to clear trauma in order to move ahead.
The fertility journey is fraught with many stressful moments. In fact it can encompass the whole range of emotions on a monthly basis from feelings of hopelessness, despair, loss, jealousy, irritation and anger, like a rollercoaster out of control. Insecurities coming to the surface far too easily. It's a testing time for you and your relationships and even your identity, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can choose to clear some of those unwanted feelings and behaviours and make life easier, to see things from a different perspective, to enjoy your life even whilst you are hoping for conception to occur and that pregnancy to follow. When you can free yourself from those intense feelings you can then have a more balanced perspective.
While on this quest for conception are you feeling low, lethargic, not sleeping well or having vivid dreams, waking up feeling exhausted and don't know how you're going to get through the day? No appetite or craving sugary snacks, negative thoughts going round and round in your head muddling up your thinking? It's no wonder that many people suffer like this with all the worries they have on their fertility journey. Won't it be great when you worry less, sleep more and feel more uplifted and able to face the day ahead more calmly and with renewed energy? Or maybe you're feeling worried now you're pregnancy is here and find it impossible to relax enough to enjoy the experience? As a fertility specialist part of my work is to help those women who are finding pregnancy a challenge to feel more relaxed and calm.
The dreaded words you may hear from your Doctor or Fertility Clinic. "Your BMI is too high and you need to lose x number of pounds or stone before we can proceed with xyz." Need some help and support with changing your shape and hitting those goals so you can look forward to conception and a healthy pregnancy in the future? Weight issues are not only related to the calories that are consumed or the amount of exercise taken, although of course these two very important aspects do have an impact. However, what many people don't know is that emotional stresses and subconscious patterns of behaviour also have an impact of the amount of weight you lose. Ditch the emotional baggage and the weight is easier to let go of.
Congratulations, woohoo you're pregnant!
Whether this is your first pregnancy or not it is super beneficial to both you and your baby, or babies, to feel calm and untroubled throughout your pregnancy. Won't it be great to look forward to every stage of your pregnancy feeling at ease and relaxed and be able to enjoy this momentous event in your life.?
A calmer you means a calmer baby too as your little one benefits from your parasympathetic nervous system being activated, releasing those calming hormones into your body's systems.
Won't it feel amazing when you can feel so much more relaxed and in control and just be able to enjoy the developing connection between you and your baby?
Maybe you have childhood trauma in the background of your mind or maybe it's something which has happened more recently in your life. Clearing unwanted trauma has a very positive effect on your mind and body connection and brings a sense of wellbeing for where the mind leads the body follows and vice versa. The same applies to self limiting and negative core beliefs. Even though, consciously, you are wanting that baby so desperately on a subconscious level your mind and body may not be allowing conception or pregnancy as it is always just trying to keep you safe. Even though this seems a huge contradiction to us consciously and one which we may doubt it's true that if our subconscious mind thinks we are "on alert" or "in danger" then it will not allow you to fall pregnant. That part which is holding you back from achieving your dreams is simply trying to keep you safe and needs to be turned off emergency alert so that you are able to reproduce in safety.
Congratulations so now you're pregnant! Hurrah! Now you've overcome the conception hurdle and are into your pregnancy, how do you feel about giving birth? Do you know that your body is designed to do just that naturally or do you feel anxiety or even fear at the very thought of it? The calmer and more relaxed you are the easier and less painful the birth will be. In modern times we have medicalised birth and many women have a deep fear that it is something extremely painful that can only be achieved with medical intervention. However, if we feel safe and secure our bodies will be allowed to do what comes naturally. The trance state allows us to clear and rewrite those fear patterns and replace them with the birth you wish for so when the time comes you will subconsciously complete the new pattern set. What sort of birth do you want to experience?
If you're suffering from this you will know that this is not "just morning sickness". You may feel isolated, frustrated and irritated when people just don't seem to understand you're not being a drama queen. You may find people tell you that pregnancy "is not an illness y'know" and you can't seem to explain what it's actually like.
This is a debilitating condition with severe and persistent nausea and vomiting which can affect your whole pregnancy. Hypnosis can help to alleviate the symptoms to a more manageable level. Hypnosis and self hypnosis is a well-documented alternative treatment so if you are suffering please do reach out for help so that you can get some relief and start to enjoy your pregnancy.
If there's something you're struggling with regarding conception, pregnancy or birth, which isn't listed above, then please do contact me and I'll see if I can help you.